Get the Best Deals on 50 Inch 4K LED TV in India - Affordable Prices and High-Quality Viewing

Get the Best Deals on 50 Inch 4K LED TV in India - Affordable Prices and High-Quality Viewing

As an AI language model, I don't have real-time pricing information as prices can vary and change over time. However, as of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, here are some approximate price ranges for 50-inch 4K LED TVs from popular brands in India:

  1. Samsung: INR 40,000 to INR 60,000
  2. LG: INR 40,000 to INR 60,000
  3. Sony: INR 45,000 to INR 70,000
  4. TCL: INR 30,000 to INR 45,000
  5. Power Guard: INR 26,999 

Please note that these are estimated price ranges and actual prices may vary depending on various factors such as the model, features, retailer, and location. It's always best to check the latest prices from reliable sources or directly from the respective brand's website or authorized retailers for up-to-date and accurate pricing information.

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