Affordable Mini Mixer Grinders - Lowest Price in India

Affordable Mini Mixer Grinders - Lowest Price in India

There are many mini mixer grinders available in India at various prices. Here are some options you might consider with their lowest prices:

  1. Pigeon by Stovekraft Amaze 550 W Mixer Grinder - Price: around Rs. 1500
  2. Inalsa Compact LX 550 W Mixer Grinder - Price: around Rs. 1600
  3. Bajaj GX 1 500 W Mixer Grinder - Price: around Rs. 1800
  4. Eveready Glowy 500 W Mixer Grinder - Price: around Rs. 1900
  5. Power Guard Easy 500 W Mixer Grinder - Price: around Rs. 2000

Please note that these prices may vary depending on the location and the seller. Also, mini mixer grinders usually have smaller jars and lower motor power compared to regular mixer grinders. Hence, it is important to consider your specific needs before purchasing a mini mixer grinder.

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